The Learning Support (SEND) Department
Who are we?
Our team supports students of ALL abilities and from ALL year groups. Our aim is to ensure that students are able to achieve their full potential regardless of any learning difficulty or disability whether that be long term or temporary.
Our commitment
Thomas Alleyne’s High School is committed to the concept of a comprehensive, inclusive education which offers all students the chance to succeed. SEND students work in a positive and supportive atmosphere. There is a commitment to providing the best possible universal provision for all starting with quality, dyslexia friendly teaching in every classroom. Additional support is available, when required, for students of any year group and of any ability. When provided it is with the intention of increasing access, raising attainment, encouraging ambition and improving attitudes. Rather than modifying expectations for students we believe in providing differentiated and individualised support where necessary, whether that be within class, in small groups or one-to-one. In this way all students are able to reach their full potential in terms of learning and extra-curricular participation.
What do we offer?
Additional support may be provided based on an up to date assessment of the student’s needs. This support will follow the process of Plan, Assess, Do, Review and will work towards clear outcomes which are listed on the student’s Learning Needs Passport. Additional support includes:
In the classroom |
Small groups |
One to one |
Dyslexia Friendly strategies Pupil Support Assistant Resources – reading rulers, pen grips, stress balls, talking tins Study techniques e.g. mind mapping Adapted worksheets – eg printed on coloured paper or enlarged. Quality First Teaching
Literacy Workshop (Y9) Numeracy Workshop (Y9) Handwriting Rescue Coursework support (Y10-11) Study Buddies (All years) Social Club (All years) Meet & greet “Head Start” Head Start (Before school club) Homework Club |
Paired reading (Y9) Revision mentoring (Y11) Exam Dispensation preparation (Y11-13) Literacy tuition (All years) Touch Typing Intervention
What specialist services and expertise are available?
Every child on the SEND register at Thomas Alleyne's will be assigned a SEND Keyworker TA as a point of contact. The Keyworker will monitor the progress and pastoral development of their students with regular check-ins, conversations with staff and meetings at SEND Review Days
Jack Biggs | Assistant Headteacher: SENDCo | |
Sharon Oliver | Assistant SENDCo | |
Judith McCusker | Learning Support Assistant | |
Naomi Macpherson | Learning Support Assistant | |
Lisa Macmillan | Learning Support Assistant | |
Kate Wallbank | Learning Support Assistant | |
Lisa Anderson | Learning Support Assistant | |
Katja Kovolova | Learning Support Assistant | |
Dorota Hadden | Learning Support Assistant | |
Laura Walsh |
Learning Support Assistant | |
Lisa Hemmings |
Learning Support Assistant | |
Jennifer O'Shaughnessy | Learning Support Assistant | O' |
Mollie Fowell | Learning Support Assistant | |
Who can I contact for more information?
If you require independent support or advice contact the Staffordshire S.E.N.D Family Partnership:
Phone: 01785 356921
Hearing Impairment
Dyslexia Association
For more information about support for SEND learners in Staffordshire please visit the local authority’s Local Offer on
If you require more information about SEND at Thomas Alleyne’s please phone school to speak to the SENCo (Mr Biggs) or Mrs Oliver on 01889 561820.