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Welcome to the Science Department

The science department is a friendly place where hard-working students will always find help when they seek it. All students study GCSE in science as soon as they join us in Year Nine and many benefit from the school farm; a real working farm in the school grounds, where they learn valuable skills to contribute to the rural Uttoxeter community.

We steadily build the skills of our students preparing them and building confidence not only for the exams they will face, but equipping them with important life skills they will need for their future, whatever they choose to be. We like to think our students leave better able to understand the world around them, and will take away with them a sense of critical curiosity.

A large number of students also take advantage of the range of courses we offer post sixteen and as their relationship with the science department grows. They leave us prepared to face the challenges the world has in store for them, questioning everything they see and hungry to learn more. Students find the atmosphere in science friendly and supportive and find it a good place to turn their hard work into flourishing knowledge and skills. Several of our students each year choose to further their study at Oxbridge.

We also have a science X (previously known as Twitter) page: Please take a look here

Meet the Scientists…

Mr Melland — Head of Department

The Biologists:

Mrs. J. North  Lead in Vocational Science qualifications
Mr. A. Milward Head of Biology
Mrs E Gwynne Teacher of Biology
Mrs J Lambert Teacher of Biology

The Chemists:

Mr S Crum Teacher of Chemistry
Mrs K Hughes Teacher of Chemistry
Mrs R Simpson Head of Chemistry
Mr M Chester Teacher of Chemistry/ Animal Care

The Physicists:

Mr L Melland Head of Physics
Miss K Thorley Teacher of Physics/Chemistry
Mr J Smith Teacher of Physics

The Technicians:

Mr G Day Senior Science Technician
Miss R Deakin-Gallimore Farm Technician
Mrs C Coope Science Technician

What Will You Study?


All students will start a GCSE in science as soon as they join us in Year Nine. For most students this consists of Combined Science, a double award GCSE course that each cover a combination of biology, chemistry, physics, earth science and scientific investigative skills.  For students placed in the top two sets, this will involve studying a separate GCSE in biology, chemistry and physics, leaving each student with three separate science qualifications at the end of Year Eleven.

When students choose their options they also get the choice to study BTEC Animal Care as one of their course in Year Ten and Eleven.

Animal Care students on the farm!

Post 16

A great number of students return to study science courses with us as they enter further education.

We offer A-Level courses in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

For students looking for a more practical approach to science we also offer a Level 3 BTEC course in Applied Science.